
I'm Elliot Walker, a multimedia graphic designer from Cambridge (UK), now living in Leiden (NL)

I believe that creative disciplines are always changing & evolving, so we need to keep learning, broadening our horizons and developing as people to keep innovation moving forward. I think as graphic designers it’s important to keep our eyes open to lasting trends and promote positive change to help create a sustainable future, not just for ourselves, but for younger generations as well.

What I love about being a graphic designer is that every project is different, challenging you in new and interesting ways, you never know what each tasks holds in store for you. That’s also what I enjoy about working in a team, helping each other to grow and develop whilst jointly facing the same challenges.


Kappakade, Leiden
The Netherlands
Mobile: +31 06 27210109
Email: elliotadamwalker@hotmail.com

© Elliot Adam Walker 2020
Graphic designer

Website built with Semplice